JR and I adopted two brother kitties, 4 years ago, Beanie and Big. They've been our 'babies' long before babies were really a thought. Beanie is the slower of the two, and the one most drawn to me - while Big was JR's kitty, the feisty and more intelligent cat. Well, a couple of months ago they moved outside to be outdoor kitties after not taking to the new house well and leaving us 'gifts' - really disgusting, heinous gifts around the house. Nope. The transition didn't go too bad, until one morning Big was gone, and since then has not returned :(
Beanie is still meandering out there, but has been very lonely without his orange counterpart. He left us with a kitty void, and since Big was really the only kitty Beanie will tolerate we felt that maybe it was dog time at the Pettijohn House. Dog. With a baby on the way. Arewecrazyorwhat?
After long searching for the perfect dog to fit into our family - we think we've found the one. We were actually picky this time, with breeders and such, considering we have to have a dog that a) likes kids b) can live outside c) big but not enormous...we're lab lovers so that of course helped narrow our search. We saw a few different pups, and to say that the one we got was 'meant to be' is the dang truth. I'm talking, the one we picked up the week before had a SEIZURE two miles down the road after paying for him. A seizure. We were freaked out of our ever dang minds.
Nothing will replace Big, but we have found someone with a cute face that has helped Beanie come back to life a bit - and given us just one more 'baby' to raise :)
Meet Bradford.