Wednesday's are usually a good Happy Hour day :) Our favorite place to go is Ozona's b/c it's very non-bar like with a huge outdoor patio and we can enjoy $1 draft! Yum-o! Thursday's are game days with the Neave's, always. Well, atleast thru the end of July and Friday's are our only day up for grabs, and it usually depends on if we're going up to OK or not that wknd. When did we get so busy? We used to be at home, wondering if we had any friends :) We are very fortunate to have found some great friends down here and soe fun things to fill up our nights!
This wknd JR and I are planning on spending some time in Canton. I've been wanting to go for a long time, and this seems to be the only wknd available. JR had the idea of maybe staying in a hotel down there or even a B & B!! So, my homework today is to find any place available this late :) oops! Should be fun though!
For Memorial Day we just decided to go up to The Farm, to get some rest. We were originally supp to drive Alex up to California but our plans changed when we realized we didn't have enough time to get back to work, boo. So, my whole family is enjoying sunny Cali right now, without us :( Our wknd was perfect in OK! Saturday, Duncan pretty much flooded, no not pretty much. It did. They had to close down 81!! I've never seen rain like that! We just stayed in all day Saturday and enjoyed the coziness of the rain. Sunday JR woke up, READY TO GO! We took the 4-wheeler out and got muddy and dirty and disgusting, and it was so fun!!! First, we took Okie out to go look at the damage from the water out in the pasture, which turned out okay but you could see how high the creek had gotten over night. Scary! Then, we went down to Rock Bottom and it had turned into a flowing river!! I couldn't believe it, next thing I know JR is halfway across this temporary "raging rapid" and calling for me! I kept thinking how crazy he was for crossing it...next thing I know I'm knee deep in freezing rushing water, praying the stick JR got me to balance doesn't float away with my cold, wet, little body in tow...ahhhh! I was scared! I made it across, not without scaring JR into thinking there was a snake on the other side!! I had to get him back somehow, haha! I love doing that.
On Monday we were supp to go out to the lake, but it was still a little cloudy so JR and I decided to head up to Lawton to the mountains. We try and go every month or so, b/c it is always so beautiful and peaceful out there. You know I had to get my Meers fix. Well, sad story. The line was so long we didn't get to go. *tear* I was very upset, but we had Ann's instead, which I guess sufficed. It was no Meers though.
Meers I still miss you:

Okay, enough writing...here are some pics we took up in the mountains! Happy Wednesday!