Okay, soooooo. When you have company, you know, it's always about eating out--showing your guest all the new places around town, movies...etc. Well, I thought that's just not going to cut if for someone that comes to the States once every 6 years!! So, I decided on the FORT WORTH RODEO!! hahaha! I wanted to pick something realllly Texas. I don't think there could be anything out there more Texas than the Ft. Worth Rodeo. No way. It is full out, calf-roping, anthem-singing, hat-wearing, boot-wearing, bull-riding, kind of fun! We all know how much JR and I love rodeos and such so we took the whole fam out there! Yep, mom, dad, and Ralph!! It was a lot of fun, and I really do think he enjoyed it! Here's a quick video of what you all missed ;) **Cody & Holly, this is a special "shout-out" to you guys. I recorded this sweet piece of video for you Thrashers. Enjoy!
We have started a new tradition at the Pettijohn-Heffesse house! You see, we both always have a bad case of the Monday's. We get home, we don't want to do anything at all, but lay in our sweats on the couch and watch our one favorite show--What About Brian, ha! It's been that way pretty much since we moved in actually. Monday's are our one lazy day of the week. I started to make a pasta Monday night, and JR said that he'd rather just have pizza instead. So, we tried out this new pizza place (new to us) called Brothers, thus was born our new tradition--Monday Night Pizza Night!! I love it! It's pretty ideal for me---pizza, JR, the kitties, and tv on the couch, ahhhhhh. Lounging around with our little family :)
Okay, so that was Monday! Now, Tuesday night was fun too! We decided to make dinner at our house for my parents and Ralph. Make note that we've lived here 9 months and still have not made dinner for mom and dad. Oops. So, this was a big deal. My mom helped us out soooo much. Thank you mom! Gosh, mom's are good. She helped get all the stuff we would need that night and so on the menu was JR's sausage/bell pepper/onion dish with a side of Nancy's Fried Potatoes, Mom's Salad, and my special corn from the can, haha! It turned out to be a lovely meal, although my potatoes weren't perfect but they all got eaten sooo...

Ralph's 70th birthday was last week so we surprised him with a birthday cake!

Now here are just some random pictures from our 2007 so far! Just us, with some friends, family, and our babies!!