there is no such thing as too early, for them to know. for my babies to know that Jesus died on the cross for them. he loves them more than they can understand. i'm preparing a few crafts for Hudson to do this year. projects that reflect the reason why we celebrate Easter. He is the Reason. 

this is the jellybean cross activity. my preparation of it.
Mardel has awesome "resurrection eggs" that tell the story. we love them and have done them with JM for the past couple of years!
Natalie I LOVE this. You have to share the rest with us. :) Landyn would LOVE this :)
I've never done this with the girls. I might just have to this year! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh I love this. Thanks for the inspiration!
Homeowner Insurance
we used to have activites around that poem growing up. I seem to remember making a bracelet :) love that you're doing this!
This is a great idea! I hope one day I can use it!!! =)
hi, first time visitor here. this is awesome, thanks!
nice meeting you!
Okay, this may be beyond creepy since I don't "actually" know you-- but I've loved your blog for the longest time and even considered asking my hubby to transfer to OK so we could be real life best friends, ha! I've missed your blogs-- hope all is well with you and yours!
Wow! God bless you and yours!!
Melly <><
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