Confession above, I can tell you that there are things in our life that are for certain:

That my Bear and my Cupcake have grown. Immensely. He now a full TWO years old. He's a sweet little muffin. Still a lover of 'lammy', his bff - and his 'bopper' the pacifier that we've finally started to wean him of. We didn't even know the mouth full of humongous toofies he was hiding in there....and that smile. Oh, that smile. It's rare to catch him with a big grin, but when you get it, it's quite possibly as pretty as sunshine. He's a handsome little soul. There are favorites of his - his grandparents and Daddy, take precedence over just about everyone but Lammy. It is an adoration worth sitting back and watching. Babies can love completely uninhibited, and his big heart sure knows how.

Cupcake is a week away from her very first birthday. There are days I'm still in disbelief that she is mine. It may have something to do with the silliness that I always 'knew' I'd have three boys. I don't. We were blessed with her tiny little self. So generous, joyous, gorgeous, and feisty. All girl, she is. Every morning, when I get her from bed she squeezes my neck as hard as she possibly can and hugs me until one of us eventually has to let go. She loves her momma something fierce, and the love I have for her and for what she's brought to our family is totally and absolutely inexplicable.

There are days when I have to laugh out loud, because I'll catch myself telling someone that 'I've finally got it!'. That I've mastered motherhood. Oh, the LIES. I do believe it sometimes, that I at last got the hang of it. Quickly though, I am humbled when Cupcake has a new 'thing' where when you change a dirty diaper she tries to snatch it and throw it before you've even cleaned her up. Seriously. Or, when the two year old fits seem like they last all day - or sometimes even for an entire week. I find myself in prayer often, hoping to make it thru nap time or that I get dinner on the table before 9pm. I've learned in my journey of having two babies of the ages of two and under - that motherhood has mastered me. It will on certain days, swallow me whole, but on most - it is a swell in my heart so full and overwhelming that above all...I know of the utmost certainty that I am blessed in ways I know, I do not deserve. That I was given the babies to be mine, and to have the responsibility of showing them the good, preparing them for the bad, and protecting their innocence for as long as is possible, is the greatest honor there ever was.
My favorite time of year is shortly upon us, and with mine and Bear's birthday's behind us - we now begin the celebrations of Belle, JR, and of course the holidays. I go a bit overboard with pumpkin spice syrup in my coffee, we play tirelessly outside, and I plan on a new recipe 3-4 nights a week. These are a few of the things that dominate our 'fall'. I started and took Hudson out of a mother's day out program. A wonderful one, actually. It seems though, that neither of us was quite ready to be away from the other. I missed him. He cried for me. We were just a mess. So, we wait until next year. By far, my hardest 'parenting' moment thus far.

After a much needed blogging break, I happily invite you back into our home as we enter the very best time of year. I must go for the day, as I have grocery shopping {ugh} and Pinterest :) to do. Happy Wednesday, friend.

Your children are just precious! I was happy to see you pop up in my google reader.
Oh my word...those outfits! Down right adorable! Please let me know if you'd ever like to 'consign' little Hudson's wardrobe. I think I would have to buy it all!
Welcome back!
Yay! Glad you are back! LOVE the sweet pictures of your babes!
Welcome back!!! I've missed you blogging. And this particular post made me teary eyed. it's been fun watching you and talking to you the past 2-3 years as you began to walk into motherhood! Love you, friend and thankful for your family!!
So excited to see your post in my reader- yay for you being back! The kiddos are beyond gorgeous!
Welcome back! I missed you!! Your children are so so precious and OH MY they have grown!
I'm glad you're back :)
I love that your back and I LOVE the pics of your sweeties!
I am ridiculously excited that you are back! You weave your words so beautifully and those babies! Ah, such amazing pictures!
Glad you are back! i'm completely addicted to pinterest too.
So glad you're blogging again, I had just recently found you when you stopped! You're kids are absolutely the most precious little things!!!
Oh my! So glad to see you're back! I nearly sent an email so many times to see if you and yours were all okay but didn't want to intrude! I have just found I'm pregnant again and already-excited but so is life with two under twos???
So glad u r back! The kids are so big!!! And beautiful too!!!!!!
WELCOME BACK!!! Your little kiddies got so gosh darn big! Life definitely gets busy with children running around. Your really THEIR schedule. you go grocery shopping...and I'll get to laundry!
FRIIEENNNNDDDDDD! We've missed you! So glad you are back to blogging.... the minis are just precious. And you are such an awesome momma. I agree with Lauren, it's been really fun "watching" (well through blog land for me) throughout mommyhood! Your babes are just as blessed as you are!!
Now seriously, let's talk about all things fall and pray for cooler weather. Yes, please.
Yay for new pictures and post!! The kids are absolutely adorable! My little boy turned 2 in June and just started mother's day out - I'm giving it a few more times since we've only been twice, but if the crying isn't better soon we're having a come to Jesus with the hubby (and the in-laws) that this isn't the right time!
I am sooooo happy you are back. I am still (patiently) waiting on a tutorial of the burlap wreath :) ha! You're kids should be models, btw. So stinkin' cute!
Clearly I'm not the only one who's been missing you. :) I am in love with everything about these pictures. Beautiful subjects, talented photographer.
Can't wait to see you and squeeze you and your babes in a few weeks...
SO excited you are back! You need to guest post on my bloggy blog :) I think it would be fun :) BIG hugs I so feel you on the 2 year old tantrums.... SIGH!
whoo hoo!!! welcome back to blogging pretty mama! your angels are just precious, they look SO much alike! i am so excited to get to peek back into your little world. (hope that doesn't make me a creeper)... happy early birthday to your sweet Cupcake!
Welcome back!
I was wondering where you and those beautiful babes were hiding : )
Yay!!! I'm so glad you posted again! I was afraid that you had stopped forever and we would never get to see pictures of your beautifaul family again. Welcome back!
Oh my gracious, they are soooo stinking cute, I could just eat them with a spoon! Missed your blogging, sweet friend!!
your kids. ahhhh. so cute and you are correct, getting bigger.
Not sure how I missed this post until now- but so glad you are back.
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