So, I've been slacking here lately. I know, I know! As everyone already knows, we got two new babies in the house! Introducing...drumroll...SAM & CHARLIE!!!

They are an early Christmas present! Let me just say, how much easier it is to have 2 instead of 1. All they do is play, play, play! They are some naughty boys with two very different personalities. Charlie, the mama's boy of the two is so sweet and loving, and constantly demands attention. Where you go, he will usually follow. Sam, on the other hand is our Mr. Independent, and only wants to be loved when he's ready! It's so neat to have them both be so different. They were raised in a kennel for basically their 4 months of life, so everything is new to them. It's fun to watch them discover the ceiling fan (which they think they can somehow get to), Sam has found that the toilet has water in it (therefore bypassing his water bowl), and ohhhh the Christmas tree. Nancy had the clever idea of probably anchoring it down, because our boys love them some tree!! haha!

This is them watching me while I mop!

Charlie sleeping on his mama!
Okay, so now backtrack a little to Thanksgiving! We had one T-giving at the farm with the whole fam and lots of food! We had a great weekend up there, and I had some time to play around with the babies!

Gosh, how much cuter can they be???!
Now, here's my baby with our sweet puppy! Okie loves, loves the 4-wheeler and will go anywhere with JR!

Our other Thanksgiving was one of the most amazing things that anyone has ever done for me or my family. Lauren, Ricardo and Carole surprised us Wednesday night with the complete Thanksgiving meal--Lauren's first turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed pots, sweet pots, apple pie, pumpkin pie, green beans...I'm even probably forgetting something. They made all of this food for us so that we could celebrate Thanksgiving since our trip to New York got cancelled. You honestly don't find friends like that everyday, or ever for that matter. We are still so in shock by everything they did, and it meant so much to me to be able to celebrate the holidays with my family, and with a sense of normalcy and peace that we needed so much. They are so much more like family to us than friends, and there aren't words to express how much they mean to us and how much we love them.
Okay, no more sappy stuff...after they surprised us with the food for Thanksgiving the next day we all went out to dinner at Grotto, a really neat Italian restaurant. We spent almost two hours there, just laughing at old memories, some of which include horribly embarrasing moments of mine that Lauren and Ricardo love to mention! It was such a fun, neat night spent with family and friends! Just how Thanksgiving should be!