We were able to spend Thanksgiving week at Mom and Dad's this year in Miami. I have a special place in my heart for Miami; it was the start of the love affair and romance I have with my husband ♥ where Hudson will forever come visit his abuelos, and the very first place our baby put his feet in the sand.

Let me back track though, to the part where I almost threw an infant car seat at a flight attendant.

I won't go into too much detail about who/what/when/where other than the fact that this is a blog warning to you to NEVER REMOVE ANY WARNING LABELS FROM THE EXTERIOR OF YOUR INFANT CAR SEAT. Yes, those huge ones that come plastered all over the sides of all baby stuff with idiot warnings like: don't let your baby play with fire balls and whiskey.

Turns out there is a line this big at the bottom of one of the 4 stickers on ours, that reads: This car seat approved for all car and flight transportation. Really? Duh. Thank you. Mr. Sassy Flight kept threatening to REMOVE our car seat from the flight as it was deemed unsafe to fly because of a sticker. We had some rallying passengers on our side, but they too got sassed. We all got sassed. Each and every one of us. So, away went the car seat.
Very long story short about holding up an entire flight because of hissy/sassy flight attendant and one ANGRY Momma---he prevailed, we all got sassed {rallying passengers} , and we flew sans car seat. I turned all shades of pissy and stupid words were slipping out of my mouth, and was so grateful Bear can't spell out words yet.
*In our defense, this was Hudson's 6th flight with no previous "regulation" problems. I think his {FA} black patent leather lace-ups were on a little too snug that day.

I was told to bring it down and sit DOWN by my husband who thankfully was able to prevent us from getting kicked off the flight by fault of me. I pouted like a 4 year old the whole rest of the flight and I'm sure I GOT him when I eye-rolled refused a drink when offered by him. Take THAT.

To the A1A we made it, and Hudson had some verrrrry happy abuelos ready to show him Miami. He got them going around 7am.

This Zoolander face is what wakes them up every morning, and they LOVE it.

Upon making it downstairs, we set up shop and immediately the sand plagued Hudson.

From there, it was silly fun. Bear loved sand, so next was the ocean.


and this is how we kept Hudson Bear entertained. Thanks, crinkly squeak toy.

Please forgive our milky appearance, it was our first day. I can assure my skin is a more toasty RED color today and I vow to you to never paste your eyes with this white-hued glow again. A picture of our family of three now. My family ♥

and perhaps my favorite pic of our boy child. Ever.