Friday, May 02, 2008


I interrupt the wedding blogging for something very important :) well, to me atleast...

I've had this craving for an ensalada caprese. Ever tried it?

Very simple, actually. Tomato, fresh mozzarella, salt, pepper, a little EVOO (I really don't like that abbreviation, I find it odd) continuing...and some fresh basil. Below is a capture of my version:


I love all things Italian---the food, the people, ITALY, the food, the food, the food....

On our family trip to Italy a couple of years ago, I was in the middle of my crazy college days, and I found peace in Italy. I found peace in being away; away from everything that was normal to me. I found peace in being just with my family. The bustle of Italy was beautiful, all of it. The atmosphere of Europe, the relaxation in which the Italians live their life is refreshing...and ofcourse my deep moments always seem to end in food. Fatty.

Italy was and continues to be one of my top 3 favorite places in the world. What I did most there was eat. It is no secret that I have the appetite of a 457 lb man. You know what though?! I came back 10 lbs lighter from that trip!! drumroll....because I ate the insalata capreseee. That's kind of how I feel like they pronounce it! kidding.

Strange post, I know...but sometimes I find, that in times when I desire some peace and calm, I always end up with the craving for the wonderful ensalada caprese.

For some it's a smell, that can remind them of a good time...or a song, whatever...but for me sometimes it is food. I am Argentine, food is an art :)

So, to Central Market I went...and came home and made us the fabulous salad. I found someone else that loves it now too ;)



~The Neaves Nest~ said... makes me want to go back. I could have lived there so easily. You are absolutely right, Itlay brings a sense of calmness, appreciation of life and peace! When are you taking me;-)

the rigdons said...

this time next week you will be MARRIED!!!

hope your week is great and your day is everything you've dreamed of! can't wait to see pics!