I found a website that supplies these, Basket Africa, in case any of you were interested in one of these beautiful baskets.

Christmas was lovely and perfect this year. Our first as married's. I got truly spoiled by my husband and we were ever so thankful to enjoy a very sweet Christmas, just the two of us.
The big family Christmas in OK was excellent and topped off with a whole lot of food, just how I like to enjoy my holidays...
a very neat gift we all got from Nancy and Ronnie, were some handwoven baskets made in Africa. They are beautiful and there is a story to them, but I can't quite remember it---either way they are special and quite a work of art. So, I'm on some website yesterday, and LOOK who has our very same baskets!!!!!
Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhall! wowsers! way to go ma-in-law!
We had plans of going to the Christmas Eve service at The Village, and after a warning from the Brock's to get there early...we showed up 10 mins early and it had already been filled up for 30 mins...boo. Next year, we may just camp out. Tents and all. YAY though, for finding a church we really really like very close to our new house!! How awesome!!!
Punta del Este, Uruguay...I have never missed a NYE with my family, this will be my first, and JR and I both, are sad to miss the annual trip. Next year, for SURE though! They are having a wonderful time, and I'm jealous of all the fresh fruit, good food, and beautiful beach we are missing out on :(
We do have a big YAY though! We're getting to spend NYE with The Brock's and The Neaves'!! The festivities begin with dinner at Taverna!!
I absolutely cannot believe 2008 is coming to an end, tomorrow. What a year it has been for us, and we are both so so excited to see what 2009 has in store for us!! We'll start first with building our first home!! hoooooooray :)
On to the New Year......wishing you all a spectacular, fabulous, and joyous 2009!
The dinosaur exhibit at The American Museum of Natural History, my must-stop!
Obviously, not our home...but it is the layout and model of the one we are having built! minus the pink brick--ew, and we chose a bigger stone! ohhh yeahhh!