If you say Twix, I immediately must have a Twix.
Friday, January 30, 2009
where i'm at
If you say Twix, I immediately must have a Twix.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
my 25 things
1. I have a very hard time writing about myself, thus this has been a "draft" for awhile now.
2. My yearning to be stronger in my faith and my Walk consumes me daily.
3. I'm a very fast reader. Too fast almost, I forget what I read.
4. My desire to cook goes beyond making a good meal---the food your mom makes is always such a comfort. I want to be the mommy whose food brings comfort to my babies, no matter what age.
5. My husband taught me to "live a little". I thought I was one of those people until I met him...turns out I'm WAY more conservative in my life and decisions than I ever thought for myself.
6. I don't think I'm predictable, but I've been told I am. That bothers me.
7. My family means more to me than words can possibly express.
8. I learned this year that marriage is work, I'm not ashamed to admit that. It's the best work I've ever done.
9. I may be being too honest for this list.
10. I am very honest. Sometimes that isn't good.
11. Clean sheets could very well be my most beloved materialistic desire. The smell makes me happier than puppies and rainbows.
12. I say my prayers daily.
13. Everytime I hear Baby P's heartbeat, mine skips a beat. I just can't believe how much love I have for you sweet Baby.
14. I got to marry my best friend. Really, I did.
15. I think my husband is the hottest man alive :) I tell him everyday. That will embarrass him tremendously.
16. My math skills are zero. I struggle with that to this day.
17. I can spell ridiculous words, though.
18. I was born in Argentina, and my personality is still very much Argentine.
19. The love I have for OU is more than some people have for their pets. I can only think of one person that could rival me. (AJL)
20. My friends all complete an aspect of me that I lack. I love that.
21. I still miss Norman.
22. I hate milk. That's putting it lightly.
23. My husband knew I was pregnant before I did.
24. I am the most music-loving, non-musical person you will ever meet.
25. I can speak, read and write in Spanish fluently. I hope to pass that on to Baby P.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
baby bump? bloat.

Monday, January 26, 2009
my very first award!

Here are the steps:
1. Say one nice thing to the man in your life:
I was given the greatest gift the day I married JR...we have a running joke in our house that I always want to spend every waking minute with him, but it is actually true! My whole life, from top to bottom is better when he is around. I am blessed beyond measure to be loved by him.
2. List at least 6 ways you measure success in your life:
walking with Christ (I'm keeping that one Lu)
the happiness I feel loving my husband the way he deserves
our families
growing our own little family
my improvement in the kitchen :) really.
learning always to be a better wife, and now a mommy.
3. Assign 5 other blogs this award: (I did 7, oops)
Sweet Simplicity
Red High Heels
The Thrasher's
Vintage Chic Home
So Happily Us
we are the rigdons
Head Over Stilettos
Thursday, January 22, 2009
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full body shot! Very relaxed growing inside mommy...

Our experience seeing Baby P today was so neat, and one of the most special moments we have ever had together. When the sonographer first got a look, Baby looked like he/she was enjoying a nap---arms behind the head, legs kicked up....when the Dr. came in for the next peek, Baby was none too pleased to have been woken up and was rolling around kicking some baby feet!!! I just had tears as we sat in awe of this tiny little baby making itself at home inside mommy.
On the nap view, I thought Baby would take after mommy but once it got rollin' and goin' I quickly realized it may look just like daddy and have his energy too!! I'm in for it!! ha! My dream always was to have a baby that looked just like JR---looks like I may get that cuteness!!
I am supposed to be 12 wks exactly today, but measured 12 wks/2 days---so we are on schedule to meet Baby P in early August!!!!
We feel blessed beyond words, and cannot stop talking about our sweet Baby. We say our prayers daily for a healthy, growing baby, and today we got a tiny peek at our little miracle :)
Happiness doesn't even cover it!! Joyful, thankful, blessed, you name it. We feel it.
We're having a BABY!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thus, with all the things one cannot do or is not good at, curiousity strikes.
Thank goodness it did, because I've got a husband to feed.
Are you as obsessed with Tastespotting as I am????? I cannot get enough. The pictures, variety, oh my. If you haven't been yet, go now. No, really. Go NOW.
Here's a recipe found on Salt and Turmeric, via Tastespotting, for Cheesy Garlic Biscuits. Yeah, those Red Lobster ones. I know you know which ones I'm talking about...those.
1 pack buttermilk biscuit mix (I used Bisquick, about 1 1/2cups)
1 1/2cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp oregano
3/4 tsp garlic salt
1. Preheat oven to 400F. Spray cooking sheet with non-stick spray.
2. Put biscuit mix, cheese and milk in a bowl and mix well to form a sticky dough.
3. Using spoon, drop lumps of dough onto cookie sheets 1.5 in apart. Bake for 10min.
4. In a bowl, melt butter and mix with oregano and garlic salt.
5. When the timer goes off, take them out and brush with butter mixture and bake 5min at 400F and another 5-6min at 350F
6. Transfer into a plate and serve immediately.
Link away you chef you :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
because i love him

He has some tried and true faves, so whenever I come across a recipe for one of them I get excited to try it out for him!!
Courtesy of Dine and Dish, a recipe for one of husband's favorites: Pasta Carbonara
Pasta Carbonara from Real Simple Magazine
1 pound linguine or spaghetti
6 strips bacon, diced
4 egg yolks
1 cup grated Parmesan
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
Cook the pasta according to the package directions.
Meanwhile, fry the bacon in a large skillet over medium heat. Transfer to a paper towel and reserve the drippings.
In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Still whisking constantly, add 2 tablespoons of the drippings. Working quickly, add the drained pasta and Parmesan to the yolk mixture and toss to combine. Add the salt, pepper, parsley, and bacon. Serve immediately. (The heat of the pasta cooks the eggs, but not thoroughly. It may be advisable for young children, the elderly, and anyone with a compromised immune system to avoid eating this dish.)
Tip: Use a pair of clean scissors or kitchen shears, not a knife, to dice the bacon. It’s much quicker and makes less of a mess.
His Mrs.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
building ideas...

yeah yeah
Our guy is pretty awesome too, and all I heard those brown-nosing commentators talk about the WHOLE game was TEBOW, TEBOW, TEBOW.
The game was OU vs. Florida, it was not the Tebow Bowl. It was the Orange Bowl. Yes, we made mistakes, I ofcourse must own up to that, and will. Shame though, on the media for over-hyping a quarterback who runs the whole game. What a defense we were up against, monsters, they are.
(oh, and longhorns---you laugh, but you would have been ripped to longhorn smitherines by the 2nd quarter and would have turned into a Meers burger...so please, withhold your hateful commentary)
Atleast our QB can complete a pass.
I don't consider myself a sore loser.

Boomer Sooner. What a loss :(
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
special day

We truly could not ask for a better friend in you, and so today is a day of celebration for all of us who are so blessed to have you in our lives. You are filled with such a gracious heart and the kindest of souls and I am forever grateful to call you my best friend.
JR and I both, love you so very much, and to us you are a friend, a sister, and a part of our family.
You have been such a huge part of my life, and I look forward to sharing many many more years to come with my very dearest!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LU, we hope you your first day as a 26 year old is an awesome one!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
sunday delight
That makes me delightfully happy...
happy sunday y'all.