My boys are my true loves in life, but they also do share my heart with Oklahoma, THE University of Oklahoma. This year, I'm taking my wee tot down to Dallas for a week with his abuelos so that means momma gets to have some OU/tx FUN. I cannot convey the tremendous joy I have via blogger. It's big. REALLY big. Hudson can already sing Boomer Sooner.

Daddy will be joining us a few days later, so we are going to have all this OU/tx fun on his behalf---and more so because my husband turns 29 on Tuesday. I hope I've made him a happy almost-29 year old :) It will be his first birthday spent as a daddy, and I'm sure Hudson has some sweet baby kisses in store for him.

We finally have some pictures showing that we are indeed a family of 3---I always joke with JR that in our pics he looks like a single dad! Haha. Momma is always behind the camera. I can get this boy to flirt with his momma all the day long. I'm madly in love...with both of these handsome boys.

In other news, creature news. I'll spare you the images, but our big kitty has taken it upon himself to go burrow out moles from our backyard/patio area and bring them to our door. Yesterday, he brought me a half-dead one. I frantically ran downstairs for a broom and dustpan in an effort to save the teeny, fluffy mole. I put him back in the PA wildnerness, hoping my cat's ill attempts at ending his mole days proved unsuccessful. I'm too scared/emotional to go out and see if he survived the night.

After our Texas trip, we're headed north to the Homeland. My first stop post-airport is a stop for some Oklahoma BBQ. Ribs. I'm already making room.

Hudson got his 2-month shots this week, and ended up with a fever. We're going on day 3 now, and I can honestly say I'm suffering with him. It's true when "they" say you hurt for your babies.

He's feeling much better today, even with a dull fever so that makes momma feel better too.

In the last couple of days I've made two cobblers. Peach and cherry. A Paula Deen recipe. Do you want the recipe? They're delicious and all sorts of buttery. A true depiction of our family life below ♥

I've likely bored you to bloggie tears, so I leave you with a few more pictures of the love affair I have with my son to round out this spectaular post full of nothing.