I am putting my political views at bay, strictly and temporarily for the sake of this post.
JR and I saw President Bush last night, and I almost peed myself. I don't get real "stirred" up if you will, at the sight of him on TV, nor do I waste my time debating him. It's just too messy these days. To each their own...
However, I feel compelled to share a rather intense sighting on our part and one I'm sure our Republican friends shall appreciate.
Scene 1: I am in the works (months of internet researching/debating how much $$ I want to spend on a phone, more specifically a new Blackberry) so JR and I went to the Cingular/AT&T store right by our house. On our way home, after me not choosing to buy last night, ofcourse, we decide to stop by Arlington Hall (our wedding location) to see if the pavillion in which we will exchange marital vows is completed. It's not. Bummer, they have 7 months to go before I need that space. I'm okay. We start noticing there are several helicopters with those light-beam things hovering over Arlington Hall, which was packed with security as well and full of cars so we pass on thru and find a sneaky corner to park in.
Scene 2: You see, Dallas is like the big brother to Lawton. They both share an unusually high crime rate...so it's not unusual to see some cops/helicopters every once in awhile, so we decided to make an evening out of it and watch the show. We thought they were chasing down some crazy. By this point they had completely stopped all traffic at Lemmon and all of Turtle Creek Blvd. had been shut down and police barricades had set up at every light. JR was for SURE that a celebrity was coming through...I pointed out to him that there are celebrities here everyday and no one really cares. This was BIG! I knew it. I had an inkling it was the President, but JR didn't believe me. Dallas doesn't stop traffic for ANYTHING!!
Scene 3: About 10 minutes later, cars honking, people yelling (short tempers), sure enough the whole area gets completely quiet except for the loud hum of hovering copters. 1, 2, 3, 4---------30! Police motorcycles pass thru all at even distance apart (very coordinated-looking) then atleast 10 huge black Suburbans, like the ones in all the movies you see, then the 2 presidential bullet-proof limousines with the presidential seal on the side!!! You could even see in!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! It's the President of the United States!! It took probably 6-7 minutes for the whole convoy to pass through! One block from our house! The President! Oh my! I don't even agree with 98.7% of his policies!! Wow! We were hugging, and laughing, as if he'd come to see us! There were some other young couples out all snuggled up doing the same thing we were, haha!

Scene 4: Some people were clapping, some yelling obscenities (fair enough) but overall it was the biggest spectacle I've ever seen, and rumor has it that he was in town to see his new house in OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! The President of the United States might live in OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! I feel special and important. This won't change my vote though. I stand strong.
Regardless of our opposing views, as a welcome gift to the neighborhood I may even buy him this for Christmas: